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It's time to start thinking about Summer Camp!

POB Team

January 30, 2021

We created the Pursuit of Balance (POB) Lifestyle Model and framework to teach life skills for all ages. They are simple, teachable tools that help to reduce stress, increase focus, gain clarity, and build confidence. The POB Lifestyle incorporates daily self-sustaining habits that are inclusive for the whole family. In conjunction with the POB Program for adults, we have adapted the same concepts for children ages 3 and up.

REMINDER to start thinking about summer camp!

We created the Pursuit of Balance (POB) Lifestyle Model and framework to teach life skills for all ages. They are simple, teachable tools that help to reduce stress, increase focus, gain clarity, and build confidence. The POB Lifestyle incorporates daily self-sustaining habits that are inclusive for the whole family. In conjunction with the POB Program for adults, we have adapted the same concepts for children ages 3 and up.

Children gain the skills they need to live a resilient, healthy lifestyle. Using the best of neuroscience and behavioral science, we have created a powerful and practical brain-based approach to rewire responses and reactions in a child. Our approach teaches how to reframe thoughts and empowers each individual to live with resilience and confidence. A life in balance.

Combining Montessori philosophy, emotional intelligence, and the components of the POB Lifestyle we have a strong program that has impacted children in summer camps (in person and virtually). In our time with the children, we teach the POB Practices in a variety of ways. This may include, but is not limited to, story books, songs, discussions, or any other hands on material they complete independently. Pursuit of Balance will continue to offer summer camp opportunities, as well as events for both parents and children, virtually and in person for years to come.

We look forward to your child beginning this life of balance with us!

Go to our CLASSES & SCHEDULE tab to learn more.

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